The good, the bad and the ugly of 2020
Get out your six shooters.
It’s time to blow away the year, so here’s my “Most [xxxxxxxxxxx] of 2020” list.
Most dangerous
Most heart-breaking
The death of over 3 billion animals during the December/January Australian bushfires.
Most vacuous
Donald Trump’s medical advice on ingesting disinfectants as a virus cure.
Most lamentable
Trump/Xi trade war of tariffs and other blunt instruments.
Most ugly
Race and class wars.
Most destructive
The Trump Administration.
Most wasteful
QE Infinity.
Most hazardous
Guarantee Infinity.
Most opaque
Most addictive
Most ubiquitous
Most tiresome
Most unhelpful
Scomo’s jigsaw puzzles.
Most crazy
Stockpiling of toilet paper.
Most telling
Warren Buffet engaging in two buybacks.
Most ignored by boomers
Social distancing.
Most ignored by millennials
Most difficult to achieve
Coughing into your inside elbow.
Most tricky
Prince Harry’s resignation from the firm.
Most scandalous
Prince Andrew.
Most unfortunate
Scomo’s mishandling of China relations.
Most egregious use of taxpayer cash
Bell Group litigation which came to an end, I sincerely hope, after nearly 30 years.
Most asleep at the wheel
Daniel Andrews.
Most monotonous
Daniel Andrews daily press conferences.
Most unknown
Zak Kirkup.
Most funky
Jerome Powell removing base level reserve requirements for banks to encourage them to lend to risky businesses, while at the same time paying them interest on those funds.
Most lucky
A tie between Robinhood traders, online retailers and non Brazilian iron ore producers.
Most teamly
Mark McGowan and Roger Cook.
Most vindicated
Bill Gates on his 2015 prediction of the pandemic.
Most dignified
Michelle Obama.
Most authentic politician
Jacinda Adern.
Most inspiring
Most endearing
Silly cat videos on YouTube, just like every other year.
Most glorious
Well, this one’s a tie between:
Clive Palmer losing his bid to pull down the WA border
Joe Biden defeating Donald Trump
Three vaccines.
The return of Janet Yellen.
Most funny
Same as in the past 23 years, Dennis Denuto and his jammed photocopier.
Most exciting
That’s easy - reuniting with my daughter, now the borders are open.
And, if we all behave like part of a team, we can keep the borders open and 2021 will be a bright year, with a commodity boom on our doorstep.
Best wishes.
Next Level Corporate Advisory is a leading M&A and growth capital advisor with a multi-decade track record of providing the highest quality of independent advice, as well as finding, creating and arranging transformative transactions.
All text in this article is copyright NextLevelCorporate.