Mike Ganon, Founder & Managing Director, NextLevelCorporate. MBA (UWA), MCISI, G.Dip (Applied Finance & Investment), B.Bus (Fin/Acc).
Mike Ganon is a senior banker who by the age of 36 had advised on the Alinta Gas and Bankwest IPOs, two of Western Australia’s largest privatisation IPOs, as well as the US$700m project financing of Burrup Fertilisers ammonia plant—including identifying and negotiating the involvement of its global ammonia off-taker.
He became a solopreneur before the term was fashionable and remains one to this day.
In his role as Managing Director and senior advisor, Mike designs and delivers all NextLevel Corporate Advisory’s corporate development, M&A and financial advisory solutions—and over the past three decades has built a multi-billion-dollar track record in:
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Private treaty sales
- Public company takeover, scheme and defence assignments
- Equity fundraising and underwriting (for IPOs/SPOs), including 3 of the largest IPOs ever undertaken in Western Australia
- Structured debt/project financing assignments
- Corporate restructures
These assignments have been undertaken in Australia, Asia, Europe, India and the United Kingdom and represent a ‘share of transaction’ value in the multiple billions.
Through NextLevel Corporate Advisory, Mike advises and supports start-ups, scale-ups, family-owned and privately held businesses, joint ventures, registered native title body corporate/indigenous corporations, companies quoted on ASX and other international exchanges, family offices and professional investors.
As an independent financier, he has backed innovative companies in low carbon economy tech (biofuels and wave power), big data management and virtual reality collaboration software and has helped to grow those companies. He is also a limited partner in a Nationally focussed ESVCLP.
Mike has lectured in the Advanced Corporate Finance Stream at FINSIA (formerly the Securities Institute of Australia) and as part of a State Government delegation to Bio's 2007 Pacific Rim conference, delivered a paper on Bioenergy Investment to a blend of Academia and Fortune 500 Companies.
He holds an MBA in International Business from UWA, a G.Dip (Applied Finance & Investment) from the Securities Institute of Australia, a B.Bus (Finance & Accounting) from Edith Cowan University and is a current Member of the Chartered Institute of Securities & Investment in the UK, and a past 35-year veteran and Fellow of FINSIA.
Mike is also a recipient of the Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh's International Awards, having received his Gold Award from HRH Philip Duke of Edinburgh. Mike also served as a WA Divisional Committee member for The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award, from 2015 to 2017.