M&A, IPO & Capital

—Transaction Solutions


M&A, IPO & Capital —Transaction solutions

Trustworthy lead advisory solutions

Once you’re ready to transact, we provide tailored guidance and expertise, ranging from identifying, evaluating, structuring and executing the following corporate events in Australia and overseas:

  • We provide customised M&A execution solutions, expertly guiding you through every phase—from deal evaluation and tactical advice to transaction arranging and project management.

    Whether you're a publicly traded, family-owned, or privately held company, we support buy-side and sell-side transactions with decades of expertise and proven track record in the following transaction types:

    • Public company takeovers

    • Public company mergers and schemes of arrangement

    • De-mergers and spin-offs

    • Take-privates and management buyouts (MBOs)

    • Private treaty acquisitions, sales, mergers, roll-ups, restructures, and reconstructions

  • If you are a mid-to-late-stage growth company, we will help you navigate the complexities of raising equity and debt from the right funding partners. Whether you're seeking to sell down existing shares, issue new shares, secure alternative funding, go public, or communicating a complex investment thesis, we ensure total alignment with your objectives, no matter the financing method:

    We bring decades of expertise and proven track record in the following transaction types:

    • Initial public offering (IPO) to take you public *

    • Private equity

    • Strategic placements for public traded companies

    • Convertible note, SAFE, preference share, bridge, royalty, stream

    • Private debt

    • Project financing, structured debt, credit wrapping

    * With a multi-decade multi-billion equity underwriting background specialising in industrial company IPOs, we are able to identify and arrange the most appropriate underwriter/brokers, ASX-experienced non-executive directors (a key ASX requirement) and the other technical experts necessary to help bring your IPO strategy to life—a one-stop-shop.

  • We bring decades of expertise to help you respond to opportunistic investments, acquisitions and refi/recons. In these cases, we provide financial advisory, investment analysis, and transaction coordination solutions to capture these one-time opportunities resulting from:

    • Distressed debt restructure/refinancing

    • Distressed sale

    • Privatisation

    • Non-core divestment

    • Forced divestiture (regulatory)

Don’t wait—let’s collaborate to ensure every transaction moves you closer to your strategic and financial goals. Reach out now.