Powell’s egregious moon good for WA industries
Still miles apart on Trump’s phase one trade deal? Yep…….
It's Jackson Hole time again - yeehaw!
In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except …..
Do spot prices point to an iron winter?
Taper tantrum or Delta?
13 years of Australian disinflation - Hello?
Base metal prices reversed in June
Banks hoarding 50% of QE, inflation overblown
Elon’s social contract? Meh…….
$8 trillion hides negative 19% interest
Lifestyle token sales, or a sign tightening is near?
Iron price accelerator ‘on’ despite game
Money never sleeps even if Fed does
Boom! Nearly 1 million new jobs, so is the USD wrecking ball coming?
Do bubbles rotate?
Operation Twist Revisited
Coyote ugly debt is rocket fuel for Gold and Bitcoin