Newsletter - Blackbeard's ship of disruption, or a treasure trove in 2018?

Helen Norton, "Blackbeard and his Dog."

Helen Norton, "Blackbeard and his Dog."

Season’s Greetings and welcome back to NextPerspective.

In this last edition of our quarterly newsletter for 2017, we explore:

  1. Gradual monetary normalisation in the US, are galahs becoming hawks?

  2. Blackbeard's pirate ship of disruption.

  3. A potential avalanche of ageing baby boomer business exits.

  4. At the intersection of 1, 2 and 3 is a choice.

  5. How we assist corporate clients with that choice.

Click here to access your complimentary web-version edition of NextPerspective.


"NextLevelCorporate delivers independent and transformative corporate finance solutions to clients looking to reshape their competitive landscapes, in and out of Australia. Our ability to do this comes from ~30 years of sector-specific proprietary intelligence and the freedom to independently originate and advise on customised Mergers & Acquisitions, Growth Capital and Special Situation solutions."